blogpost Your Expectations May Predict Pain Treatment Outcomes Most people with chronic pain know there are a variety of options when it comes ...
blogpost How Chronic Pain Impacts Activity Levels According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only 1 in 5 adults gets ...
blogpost Think chronic pain doesn’t change your brain? Think again! Pain tolerance is something that varies in individuals, with some people able to tolerate higher ...
blogpost Considering Acupuncture for Chronic Pain Management Millions of people who suffer from chronic pain seek out a variety of ways to ...
blogpost Time to Consider Mindfulness-Based Meditation for Chronic Pain Management Many people are familiar with the idea of meditation, but they aren’t exactly sure why ...
blogpost CDC to Revise Opioid Guidelines for those with Chronic Pain According to the American Academy of Pain Medicine, there are around 100 million people in ...
blogpost Want more effective back pain treatment? Add Cognitive Behavioral Therapy! With so many people suffering from chronic pain around the country, there are always new ...
blogpost New Treatment Offers Spinal Cord Stimulation without Tingling Those who suffer from chronic pain associated with the low back, trunk, or limbs may ...
blogpost Think gardening can’t help with pain management? Think again! Gardening has long been something that people have done in an effort to grow their ...
blogpost September is Chronic Pain Awareness Month September is a month that students around the nation are headed back to school, people ...